The father of modern management, F W Taylor defined Management as the "art of knowing what is to be done and seeing that it is done in best possible manner", while the father of scientific management, Henri Fayol defined Management as "to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and control activities of others".Traditionally Management is defined as " The art of getting work done through others". For long it has been termed as the application of art and individual skills to handle the people and getting the work done. Management is also defined as a " Process of Planning, Organizing, Directing and Controlling". Each of the management guru has defined this in his own way and unique style. In simple language "Management is to get the people to work together towards accomplishment of common objectives and goals". Management involves planning and directing resources and people for the attainment of organisational targets. Management is an Art or Science Some people call management a Science while others define it as an Art.
Art is defined as application of human creative skill and imagination. In Management also one apply its managerial skills in organisation to manage the people & resources. Science is defined as the set of activities for studying various things and then application of learning made out of the study. In management also people and techniques are studied and then applied in day to day managing activities.
Management is a Process?
Management is also defined as the process of Planning, Directing, Organizing and Controlling resources and actions to achieve the organisational goals.Decoding Management in Letters:
The management can be decoded as follows: M= Manager A= Architect N= Navigator A= Administrator G= Guide E= Efficient M= Men E= Energy T= TactfullySo management can be decoded as the process of Managing, Architecting the plans & processes, Navigating an organisation to its goals, Administering & Guiding Efficiently its Men with full Energy and Tactics. So what is Management? Management can be defined in various ways, however the basic essence remains the same. It can be easily summed up as a process or an art or a set of activities which involves application of human skills in creative and scientific way to achieve the organisational goals.
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