Thursday 25 August 2016

Brand Managers: LIFT your marketing

In the Digital Era: LIFT You Marketing Tools

Digital Marketing has offered a number of tools to reach to customers. The tools like Facebook, YouTube, Blogs, Periscope, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Direct mail system, and many more, helps to reach to customers. However, other than Website, which of the 5 tools most of companies employ. They use LIFT You tools for most of Digital marketing efforts.

LIFT a word we all are familiar and whenever we have to move vertical we use LIFT . So in marketing brand managers need to elevate their brands, they use various conventional & digital tools. Add You tube to it and make it LIFT You. So how do we LIFT  our brand digitally

Company Website- the ultimate information adda, 
Twiter- Mouthpiece of company, 
Linked In - a tool to connect with prospect employees, 
Instagram- Tool to share pictures, 
Facebook- share anything, 
Youtube- online video broadcasting service
Direct Mails- Share information with subscribers

Each of the above mentioned tools helps to reach the customers. Website and direct mailers are used for a long time, however in recent past social media has taken lead role in digital marketing. Companies are spending huge amount in LIFT You model.

Each of LIFT You tools serve a unique purpose and provide a unique way to increase the brand reach to audience. 

While Linked In has become a favourite source of connecting with new prospective employees and Informing the brand developments. Instagram helps in converting text messages in pictures and pictures are known to speak better than words. Instagram is often used to broadcast the messages in graphics and images. Instagram is increasingly becoming famous and brands are using this platform to convert words in pictures.

Facebook initially , crafted as a friends messaging service is converted in to corporate messaging platform. Each of major company has their facebook pages and the brand managers are working hard to get likes and the war is ON. Facebook is a unique medium to reach consumers through text, image and videos. It supports all three formats and make it interesting to managers to reach to consumers. Facebook also helps customers to reach to company and appreciate and complaint to brands.

Twitter, the Micro Blogging site is new way to make brand announcement and react/respond to market. The character limit makes it exciting and challenging for brand managers to communicate messages. 

Youtube, an alternative to Television is an experimental video messaging service. The low cost and targeted gives edge over traditional TV medium.

All the abve LIFT You mentioned tools have edge over conventional broadcasting mediums, these tools are agile and provide an opportunity for immediate modifications. The tools unlike conventional medium, are specific, target oriented and easily measurable. Brands are increasing their marketing budgets on digital media. If use efficiently these tools help in reaching the target customers in most effective way.

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