The brands need to stick to one Strategy for a long time to make their brand recognised among consumers. Wether it is B2B or B2C one need to very carefully identify its goals and then chose the strategy. The Competition, Customers, Core Benefits, Communication and Consistency helps you to define your moments of strategy success
Competition influence your strategy
The organisations need to identify their customers and the select a positioning for its products in market place. The competition needs to be identified and analysed along with their product offering, positioning and promotional strategy. They needs to be studied and results out of that needs to be analysed. The competition helps any brand in many ways to understand the market and then in drafting Marketing strategies.
Understand your Customers Better.
Along with competition the market for your product needs to be identified and analysed. The customer behaviour and journey needs to be understand. Understanding the motivational factors behind their purchase helps to identify the cusyomers and their influencers and then drafting the product and branding strategies.
Understand your Product
The product understanding is equally important. One must know the core benefit of their products. How does the product will make a difference to the life of a customer? Is it a need driven product or the status symbol one, the understanding of core benefits of a product helps in better positioning of product and thus in defining branding strategy.
What you want to communicate
If you are clear about the competition, customers, and core benefits of your products, you can easily define what you need to communicate. The communication must be developed keeping in mind these 3 actors. The messaging has to be defined according to the core benefits your product offering, keeping in mind your customers and a bit different than competition.
Consistency is the key to success
The messaging needs to be consistent on all vehicles and for a long term to register in the mind of customers. Once you have defined the messaging you needs to be steadily communicating to your customers. The brand needs to identify the media vehicles to ride on to reach to customers. The principal for vehicle remains same the more you have fuel in it, more you will be able to travel to your target destination. You also needs to be consistent and keep the vehicle supported with all required maintenance. The synchronisation in various media vehicles help you to reach you're desired place quickly.
So combine all your 5 Cs together and then start you brand journey to reach your target fast.