Wednesday 29 March 2017

It all starts with a smile!

Yes it all starts with a smile! For any purchase the customer must be convinced with the features and benefits of the products. And that can be done best while explaining them with the smile. The day to day action tells that any one greeted with smile will be more receptive to your ideas and will listen out the you carefully. The smile shows the sales person is confident about its products and understand then well. 

It is not only salesman but all the faces of business require the smile while interacting with the customer, be it  internal or external.

People who speak with a smile is able to bring customers at ease and thus involving them in a smooth buying process and remains engage for long term in the business.

Sales person  looks  more convincing and confident while talking and smiling. with this he takes away all the worries and purchase inertia of customers.

So the first law of sales remains S for Sales, S for Smile.